Thursday, January 18, 2018

Self Worth!

What I Am Wearing:

Dress:(try here) // Shoe:(here

This week I have been thinking a lot about self worth. Sometimes I think we let our past makes us insecure which will lead us into limiting ourselves in so many things. This is something I have struggle with a lot in the past year, after becoming a single mother I question so many things like who am I now in the society? What is my purpose? Will anyone ever love me and want to be in my life now that I am a single mother of two kids or am I broken? All these questions clouded my mind which made me shut out the world for a while because I thought I was not valuable anymore because of my past. However, who am I to question the Lord about my past or why did it happen to me? I know the Lord knows and care about me personally and He has showing me in so many ways that He know my pain and that He know what I am going through and He has and continue to bless me more than I can comprehend. I have come to understand that my past is my past and that it happened for a reason I may not know the full reason but I know because of my past I have become and continue to become what the Lord wants me to become. Therefore, our past does not define who we are or what Heavenly Father intends us to be. Lets not let our past define us instead let us use our past to become our better selves, it's not easy I know I have been there even now that I have come to this understanding that I am worth something and that I have a purpose in this life I still question myself it's a continue learning process. 
Now on to fashion this beautiful, simple, easy breezy dress and shirt was sent to us from Sierra Leone by my beautiful sister. This dress speaks for it self, bright color with beautiful print added to it makes it to stand out. 

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