Sunday, December 31, 2017

To More Adventures!

What I Am Wearing: Blazer:(here) // Top:(here) // Skirt:(here) // Shoe:(here)

I decided to end the year with this beautiful, comfortable, relaxing, and professional looking blazer. I wore this blazer today because I wanted to end the year bright and happy it has been a great and adventurous year and to start the new year with happiness and joy to many more adventures.To me this blazer represent bright future and many adventures and dreams in the years to come. I love the color of the blazer and it gave me an excuse to wear this shoe again. I could not have picked a better outfit to end the year with. 

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What I Am Wearing  Blazer:(try here , here ) // Shirt:(try here ) // Skirt:(try here ) // Shoe:(try here )  It been a while I ...