Sunday, December 24, 2017

The Perfect Christmas Dress!!

What I Am Wearing: Dress:(contact me, here) // Shoe:(here)
The Kids:
Evealla: Dress:(here) // Shoe:(here)
Adamells: Shirt:(here) // Pant:(here) // Shoe:(here

In my culture growing up as kids we always love forward to Christmas, end of Ramadan, and Easter because that's when you can a new dress and get all dress up on those days and this a tradition I have decided to continue with my kids. However, while shopping for their Christmas outfits I was also looking for something for myself and then I remember that my beloved sister sent me this beautiful dress that has all the colors, why look for the perfect Christmas color dress when I have my beautiful African. I most say am very proud of my decision to wearing this dress as my Christmas dress. The kids look so great in their Christmas outfits, and my wonderful friend look so beautiful in her dress as she join me on a fun photo-shoot today after church.  

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