Sunday, August 13, 2017

Something New!

What I Am Wearing: 
Shirt: (try here, here,) // Skirt: (try here, here) // Shoe: (try here

Well this week I tried something new I bought something on Facebook marketplace! This is something I told myself I will never do because for one I was scared that I will be scammed and worst of all I will be kidnap when meeting the person to pick up the item, so that's why I never tried to shop on Facebook marketplace. 
However, my addiction to shoes drove me to try it this week and can you blame me look at this shoe! I have been looking for a shoe in this color more in pumps but when I saw it in wedges I just had to get it, I even did a little camp out in the parking lot before meeting the lady. 
I learned some positive things during this process, one you get to meet new people, two you don't have to pay taxes on the items you buy, and three you buy things less than the original price and these items become unique to you. 
Of course there is always going to be a negative side on shopping online and more on social media, you just have to be more cautious. 
This outfit came together so great today and this shoe did not disappoint me I love it, relaxing and comfortable to walk in and of course the color just makes you fall more in love with it. 

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What I Am Wearing  Blazer:(try here , here ) // Shirt:(try here ) // Skirt:(try here ) // Shoe:(try here )  It been a while I ...