Thursday, August 3, 2017

Do Not Settle For Less

What I Am Wearing
Hat: (try here, here) // Shirt: (try here, here) // Jeans: (try here, here) // Shoe: (here)

Early this week something happen that hurt me in ways I have never been hurt or more than I could ever be hurt in my life and by someone I never thought could ever hurt me because of the total trust I had, however,I have become even stronger than ever before and this is another learning experience for me and the one thing I have learned during this time is that, as women we tend to allow ourselves to be treated in ways that is less that we are worth or we tend to settle for less than we are worth because we get too comfortable and think is the right thing to do, even though it made not be in our best interest.
However, one thing we have to recognize is that our happiness comes first in whatsoever situation we may be in, and we have to remember that there is no need in crying over the past, it gone, do not stress about the future, it hasn't arrived, live in the present and make it beautiful.
Therefore, we also need to remember that we do not need to regret knowing the people who came into our life. Good people gives us happiness, bad ones gives us experience, the worst ones gives us lessons and the best people gives us memories that last for a life time.

I wore this outfit today because I feel it represent empowerment, strength, and hope for the future. Even though this outfit got so many names today from friends, co-workers, which were funny names but to me this outfit is an outfit that makes me feel that I can do anything. I just love this color combination, it just simple and a fun outfit.

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