Monday, August 28, 2017

Beautiful Just The Way You Are!!

What I Am wearing: 
Dress: (try here,) // Cardigan: (try here) // Shoe: (try here) // Necklace: (try here, here)

I Have been thinking a lot about how as humans we tend to compare ourselves so much to others around us more us woman comparing ourselves to other woman in ways that we belittle ourselves which brings so many other stress into our lives that we do not need in our lives.
Therefore, my new goal is to be my own unique person dress my own style and always try to look my very best in my own way and love myself weather am fat, skinny, have stretch marks, or have two kids. I know am beautiful and unique in my own way and that something I stand by and nothing can put me down from that, and I hope every woman or man feels that way about him or herself.
I love this outfit, it was a fun outfit to put together I love the raffle design in front of it the color and just how simple it is, and I combined this simple, beautiful dress with this White Cardigan, White Shoe, and  White accessories. I don't even know what to say more about this outfit it speaks for it's self.
The kids were looking sharp in their outfits. Being a mother to these two is the greatest calling I could ever ask for.

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