Thursday, July 6, 2017

You Do Not Have To Try Hard

What I Am Wearing: Top:(try here, here, here) // Pant: (try here, here, here) // Shoe: (try here)

As you may know from my last post that I traveled and during this traveled I learned very valuable lessons one of these lesson was that sometimes we try so hard to impress people around us which makes us forget who we truly are and what we stand for, maybe we just trying to go along with what is around us and trying not to hurt the feelings of people around us but I have found that by trying to impress people we are actually hurting them because we are not being ourselves by doing stupid things. 

Which brings me to my outfit today I was not planning on blogging about this outfit today because I have blog about these two article of clothing before and I was just dressed as usual fun, easy breezy to go to work and then come home and wear the one I really wanted to blog about. However, every offices I went today I was told how pretty I looked in the outfit, I did not have to try hard  by just being myself I let people decide how I look without me trying to impress them. 
So my advice to you just  be yourself no matter where you are or who you are with, do not let anyone change your attitude because of their own ways and everything will fall into place. 

PS if you have that special someone in your life who have always reminded you that they love you just the way you are even if you did something crazy around them they maybe mad at that moment however, do not overthink it and do not question their love for you just let it go and let them love you just the way they always have. These are some valuable lessons I have been advised on by a true friend.

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