Sunday, July 9, 2017

The Struggle

What I Am Wearing: Top: (try here) // Skirt: (try here, or here) // Shoe: (try here) // Bag: (try here

Okay before I start telling you about this outfit I have to tell you this, I have never struggle in picking an outfit or in making that perfect combination, it is something that has always come to me so easily even before I started blogging I called it my inner spirit.
However, today I struggled a little bit in creating this outfit, maybe because yesterday was a very hard day for me on a personal note, I guess my brain was not working right today to make me focus because of yesterday's event.
I was a little surprise, why because this is the kind of Skirt you can wear with mostly anything it's colorful, beautiful, and simple it is the perfect Summer Skirt. I wish I had taken a picture of my room to show you, it was a mess to be able to come up with this outfit. however, now I can say my struggle did not go in vain, the Skirt, the Shoe, the Top I really do not have to say much about this outfit is just perfect and the color combination is just great, if I could say so myself. 

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