Sunday, June 25, 2017

Thinking Back To The Root

I was born and raise Muslim even though I do not practice the religion anymore does not mean is not part of my life, since 98% of my family are Muslim which makes me as much part of the Muslim religion as my family. Do not get me wrong I have a great faith and believe in my present religion and I did not become a Christian because I think the Muslim religion is wrong or that it does not have any truth, that's actually far from the truth, I believe in the Muslim religion and it's always going to be part of my life, is an inheritance that is pass down for generations whether I like it or not even my name is a great reminder to me.
You may be wondering how does this relate to a fashion blog well it doesn't but it does relate to my outfit, today was a great day in the Muslim culture today was the end of Ramadan which is a great celebration from dressing up in new clothes, eating a lot of food and hanging out with family and friends and just being grateful to Heavenly Father .
Therefore, my kids and I decided to wear our African outfits to Church today to honor our inheritance, culture and traditions. I do not really have to much about these outfit they speak for themselves.

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