Monday, June 19, 2017

Professionally Beautiful

What I Am Wearing: Blazer: (try here, here) // Shirt: (try here, here) // Skirt: (try here) // Shoe: (try here)

I do not even know what to say about this I just know it is simple, beautiful and colorful and I just wanted to look comfortable, and I think I achieve that goal with this outfit. What I have come to realize is that at some point in life we all want feel, look and act professional no matter what our job title may be, it just fun to look and feel in different ways. So do not be afraid to change things around from easy breezy to professional look.

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What I Am Wearing  Blazer:(try here , here ) // Shirt:(try here ) // Skirt:(try here ) // Shoe:(try here )  It been a while I ...