Thursday, June 15, 2017

Expand That Horizon

What I Am wearing: Top:(try here)  // Short: (try here) // Shoe:(try here)

Yesterday I was at an activity and I was repeatedly ask what was my favorite color, now this question was a little heard for me to answer why because as you can see from the outfits I post I love every color. I believe that every color has its own uniqueness it brings to an outfit.

This question also got me thinking that as humans we limit ourselves in some many things. Things like, that is just not my style, that color just does not look good on me, I just don't like that food, or I just do not like that shoe its not my style, even when we may have never try them.

You may be wondering how does this relate to fashion but it does every time I wear bright colors like the one I was wearing today, I will receive comment like "that color look so good on you, I wish it will look as good on me as you but it's just not my color." and then I will ask have you every try it on? ""no I just do not like it" I am believer in someone being themselves, dressing their own way, and being true to themselves in whatever they are doing, but at the same time I also believe in trying new things, even if you may have limited yourself to that favorite color or that favorite style but at the same time its great to expand that horizon and move from your comfort zone and try new things like wearing a bright Yellow Pant, or that Red T-Shirt that you never try to wear outside of your home.
My comfort zone is dressing up like a man and just feeling comfortable but at the same time I like being all girly and wearing Pink and wearing high pumps, does this mean I am not been true to myself? no it just mean I am moving out of my comfort trying new things at the same time being true to myself, simply beautiful. I just love this Yellow pant it makes my outfit standout without me even try hard. Next time just add a little pop of color to that outfit!!!

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