Sunday, June 4, 2017

Let Your True Beauty Shine

What I Am Wearing: Dress: (Avon, old try here, or here) // Bag: (old try here or here) // Shoe: (old try here)

There is just that one outfit or dress that whenever you wear it, everyone that sees you will compliment on how good you look in the dress or comment on how beautiful the dress is and where you got it from, well that this dress for me every time I wear this dress I get those compliments. How can you not compliment on a dress like this, it's a simple, beautiful two color dress, but yet it makes a woman feel beautiful, smart, elegant, powerful like she is on top of the world which every woman should feel no matter what outfit they are wearing.
I just love this Green and Black color combination on this dress and I made sure I let this dress stand-out by wearing less jewelry with it. Sometimes, I think we try to over do and complicate even the most simple and beautiful things instead of just letting them shine there own beauty, because we feel like by putting on more this will make us stand-out, yes you will stand-out definitely but in a negative way and not in a positive way, it's best to let your true beauty shine through that beautiful, simple outfit which will make you stand-out above all in a positive way without you even trying so hard. Let your true beauty shine through that simple outfit!!!

P.S. Yes I got a new hair do!!

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