Wednesday, February 7, 2018

The Child In Me!

What I Am Wearing:
Shirt:(here) // Skirt:(here) // Shoe:(here, here

This outfit made me look like a teenager all over again I can't say that this outfit is my favorite but I can say that is was fun putting it together and it was fun taking this pictures. It was a simple outfit but at the same time professional and presentable, and I love the color combination. After church my son came to a realization for himself that made me proud as a mother, this was what he said to me "mom the color black goes with anything." Sometimes the joy it brings when they realized something for themselves even when you may have been teaching them and the finally get it by themselves. 

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What I Am Wearing  Blazer:(try here , here ) // Shirt:(try here ) // Skirt:(try here ) // Shoe:(try here )  It been a while I ...