Wednesday, January 31, 2018

The Simple Life!

What I Am Wearing:
Shirt:(here, here) // Skirt:(here) // Shoe:(here

This week I thought a lot about who I am as a person and one thing I discover was I am just a simple person I just want everything I do to be as simple as it can get I came to this realization because a friend gave me something that I put on and it was totally uncomfortable and it was not me or what I stand for which is simple, comfortable, easy breezy, and just natural beauty and this transfers to what I wear and how I present myself, as you can see in my posts all my outfits are as simple and comfortable as it can get, because whenever I try to over do things it just doesn't sound right, look right, or feel right. So I am so going to keep it simple and never complicate it because simple feels right to me. 

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