Saturday, February 17, 2018

Honor Over Everything!!

What I Am Wearing: 
T-Shirt:(here) // Pant:(here) // Shoe:(here

This week is Honors Week at my school Brigham Young University, which got me thinking, what is honor? Can others honor us if we do not honor ourselves? How can we honor ourselves? How can honoring ourselves make others around us honor us? These are questions that have been on my mind all week and this is what I think honor means to stand for what is right and what you believe in, treating and presenting yourself with dignity, respect, and honor and treating those around you with the same dignity, respect, and honor. Because when you respect and present yourself with honor, others around you will definitely honor and respect you. We honor ourselves by being honorable in our dealings with others. Honor is truly over everything because when you honor yourself and those around you nothing stands in your way. Wearing this T-Shirt was an honor because these a attribute I am trying to acquire by honoring myself and those around me always, and of cause it was T-shirt Friday and I love how they made this T-shirt, simple, relaxing, comfortable with great meaning.    

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