Thursday, September 14, 2017

Letting Go....Staying Strong.....

What I Am Wearing:
T-Shirt: (Staywear) // Jeans: (here) // Shoe: (here, here)

I am going to get a little personal on this post today, this is something I do not like to do putting my personal life out there, and of course some people are gonna have their opinions on what I am going to say but what I have learned since I started blogging is that A blogger's life is never her own people are always gonna have something to say weather positive or negative. This week I had to make one of the hardest decisions of my life, by saying goodbye to someone I truly love and care about a friend, a brother, a father figure, because of unforeseen situations I had to say goodbye and let go for awhile because the pains are still so fresh and it hurts to pretend to still stay in contact. It's so hard to stay strong in saying goodbye to someone or something that you never imagine yourself living without or never thought you could say goodbye to because of how hard it will be not to have them part of your life anymore. However, sometimes there are some people in our lives we just have to say goodbye to, we have to put our own happiness first we can't keep jeopardizing our own happiness because we may not want to loose them. Staying away doesn't mean we don't care anymore it just means it hurt too much to stay in contact and be reminded of all the memories and keep asking yourself where did it all go wrong? It's not a goodbye forever. 

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