Thursday, July 27, 2017

No Worries, Just Smile!

What I Am Wearing:
Shirt: (try here, here) // Pant: (try here, ) // Shoe: (try here
Getting ready to go to dinner with some friends so I thought I should wear something simple, comfortable, relaxing, and still stylish. I have had this Shirt for years now but I don't wear it much but it came through for me with this outfit. By now you know that I am in love with this Shoe since I have been wearing it a lot lately. I just love this outfit and I am glad I took these pictures before the dinner because after the dinner my belly was like a baby was going to come out any minute lol.

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I'm Back!!!!!!

What I Am Wearing  Blazer:(try here , here ) // Shirt:(try here ) // Skirt:(try here ) // Shoe:(try here )  It been a while I ...