Monday, October 9, 2017

Beauty, A Commitment!

What I Am Wearing: 

Top:(try here, here) // Skirt:(try here, here) // Shoe:(try here) // Bag: (try here

When you know how to do hair you just can not let one hair style stay on your head for long, so Saturday night I decided to do my hair without even thinking how long am going to take doing it as you can guess I was doing my hair for the whole night and only slept for two hours they say beauty is pain I say beauty is a commitment. As you can imagine on Sunday morning I did not want to do anything, not to say the least of even dressing up, all I wanted to do was to sleep all day, but that can not happen because I need to go to church. This beautiful, simple and stylish sweater Top came to my recuse, soft, comfortable and best of all its feels like my pajamas and it was perfect for the cold weather. This skirt with the pockets just made this whole outfit become even more comfortable and stylish at the same time. This outfit made me forget that am sleep deprived.

They make me smile!

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